Hosting Reliability and Disaster Recovery
Our hosting utilises Amazon's (AWS) reliable and secure data centres in Sydney.
We take daily backups of the websites and databases that we host, and backups are kept for 30 days. The daily backups are stored redundantly onsite and offsite, on multiple devices across 3 data centres in Sydney that are isolated from each other. These data centres are built with disaster recovery in mind, and are in a different flood zone, a different geographical area, and connected to different power grids, to make sure they are truly isolated from one another.
Our hosting is constantly monitored 24/7, and in the event of a server failure or catastrophic event affecting the whole data centre, we are notified immediately, and can quickly recover your sites from the redundantly stored backups. Depending on the type of disaster, we also have the option to restore the sites and databases onto the other data centres not affected by the catastrophic event affecting the original data centre.
In addition, our web servers run on mirrored drives so there are 2 real-time copies of the site and any files that you or users upload to the site, to be safe from the more common single drive failures.